Saturday, May 11, 2013

hoenggye sheep farm

The same weekend Jaimie and I spent in Gangneung for some beach therapy, we made a stopover in the small town of Hoenggye. There is a sheep farm there, of all things! The pastures weren't quite green and lush just yet, but the view was still lovely, and it was a gorgeous, sunny day. We were a little disappointed that the sheep weren't out grazing on the hills, but getting to feed them was a bit of a funny treat. Admission to the ranch is 3000 won, and you turn in your ticket for a small basket of hay. The farm's patrons were all couples and young families, and the whole feeding thing was a bit of a novelty, but the sheep were beyond adorable. The little lambs in particular, with their round woolly faces, gosh. They are the gentlest creatures. And their recently sheared coats looked like recently vacuumed shag carpet. Hilarious and cute.

Jaimie has her Mary moment
Yin yang hill

The trail takes you up the hill and around the entire farm for a roundabout view.
Overall, a pleasant experience I never thought I'd encounter here in Korea.

Next up, sandy adventures on Gyeongpo Beach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello there, can I know which farm this was? The pictures are absolutely stunning! Do you have any directions from Seoul to this place?

Hope you could email me at
Thanks in advance :)