Friday, October 11, 2013

TOKYO / Day Four / Marunouchi, Ginza, Shibuya

On day four we said goodbye to our first Airbnb in Nakano and checked into our second - a cute 11th floor apartment in Shinjuku. 
Infinitely more spacious.

View from the balcony

We spent the rest of the day in Chiyoda ward and checked out its majors: Tokyo station, the palace grounds (a very small corner of), the park, its impeccably clean streets (Marunouchi in particular), high end shopping in polished buildings. 

Tokyo Station

You're so "fly"
Fake sushi is the best kind of display food
Japanese curry lunch. Yum!

Imperial Palace

Cicada shell

Marunouchi & Ginza


Not what we were expecting, but so good. The perfect match of sweet and savoury,  cold and warm.

Our nightcap was in one of the bars in this alley, each two floors high but no wider than a couple meters.

Artificial island Odaiba, Mori Art Museum in Roppongi, and a Nakameguro evening is next.

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